graph TB A[Is the population Normal? . ] --> |Yes| B{{Use Normal .}} A --> |No| C[Is n >= 30? .] C --> |Yes| D[sigma or s? .] C --> |No| E{{cannot proceed .}} D --> |sigma| F{{Use Normal .}} D --> |s| G{{Use t }}
Mallory Wang
Hypothesis test with proportions: given a population with true proportion \(p\), we took samples and tried to use the data collected in these samples to assess the validity of the claim \(H_0: \ p = p_0\) (for some fixed value \(p_0\)) against some alternative hypothesis (two-sided, lower-tailed, or upper-tailed)
Indeed, we can conduct hypothesis testing on any population parameter.
One parameter of interest to statisticians is the population mean \(\mu\).
The classification of tests doesn’t change much: we still have two-sided, lower-tailed and upper-tailed tests for the mean.
More specifically, if our null is \(H_0: \ \mu = \mu_0\) then:
Our testing procedure will be similar to that of hypothesis tests for a proportion: we compute a test statistic, and then compare this value of the test statistic to a critical value that is determined by both the distribution of the test statistic under the null as well as the significance level \(\alpha\).
Let’s focus on a two-sided test for now.
Our test statistic will certainly involve \(\overline{X}\), the sample mean.
graph TB A[Is the population Normal? . ] --> |Yes| B{{Use Normal .}} A --> |No| C[Is n >= 30? .] C --> |Yes| D[sigma or s? .] C --> |No| E{{cannot proceed .}} D --> |sigma| F{{Use Normal .}} D --> |s| G{{Use t }}
What this means is that our test statistic itself will take different forms depending on the information that is provided.
Specifically, we have \[ \mathrm{TS} = \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac{\overline{X} - \mu_0}{\sigma / \sqrt{n}} & \text{if } \quad \begin{array}{rl} \bullet & \text{pop. is normal, OR} \\ \bullet & \text{$n \geq 30$ AND $\sigma$ is known} \end{array} \quad \stackrel{H_0}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, \ 1) \\[5mm] \displaystyle \frac{\overline{X} - \mu_0}{s / \sqrt{n}} & \text{if } \quad \begin{array}{rl} \bullet & \text{$n \geq 30$ AND $\sigma$ is not known} \end{array} \quad \stackrel{H_0}{\sim} t_{n - 1} \end{cases} \]
In the two-sided case, our critical value will still be the value \(c\) that ensures \[ \mathbb{P}(|\mathrm{TS}| > c) = \alpha \] (i.e. we reject \(H_0\) whenever \(\overline{X}\) is far away from \(\mu_0\)) meaning \(c\) will the \((\alpha /2) \times 100\%\) percentile, scaled by negative 1, of either the standard normal distribution or the \(t_{n - 1}\) distribution.
Our test in the two-sided case will then take the form \[ \texttt{decision}(\mathrm{TS}) = \begin{cases} \texttt{reject } H_0 & \text{if } |\mathrm{TS}| > c \\ \texttt{fail to reject } H_0 & \text{otherwise}\\ \end{cases} \]
Let’s do an example.
Worked-Out Example 1
An article published by the US Census claims that in 2019 the average American took around 27.6 minutes to commute to work. To test this claim, Jenny took a representative sample of 101 Americans in 2019 and observed that these individuals had a combined average commute time of around 20.1 minutes and a standard deviation of around 12.4 minutes.
Use the information from Jenny’s sample, along with an \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance, to test the claim that the average commute time is 27.6 minutes against a two-sided alternative.
It’s a good idea to first determine which distribution we need to use.
Is the population normally distributed?
In other words, are the commute times of all Americans normally distributed?
No; or, at least, there is not enough inforamtion to conclude that they are.
Is our sample large enough?
Do we have \(\sigma\) or \(s\)?
Therefore, what distribution are we going to use?
In other words, \[ \mathrm{TS} = \frac{\overline{X} - 27.6}{12.4 / \sqrt{101}} \stackrel{H_0}{\sim} t_{100} \]
From the \(t-\)table, we see that the critical value will be \(1.98\).
Additionally, the observed value of our test statistic (based on Jenny’s sample) is \[ \frac{20.1 - 27.6}{12.4 / \sqrt{101}} \approx -6.08 \]
Our test rejects \(H_0\) when \(|\mathrm{TS}| > c\).
In this case, \(|\mathrm{TS}| = |-6.07| = 6.07 > 1.98\)
Therefore, we reject the null:
At an \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance, there was sufficient evidence to reject the Census’ claim that the average commute time of Americans was 27.6 minutes in favor of the alternative that the true average commute time was not 27.6 minutes.
Analogously as with the hypothesis testing for proportions, the lower-tailed test of a population mean takes the form \[ \texttt{decision}(\mathrm{TS}) = \begin{cases} \texttt{reject } H_0 & \text{if } \mathrm{TS} < c \\ \texttt{fail to reject } H_0 & \text{otherwise}\\ \end{cases} \] and the upper-tailed test of a population mean takes the form \[ \texttt{decision}(\mathrm{TS}) = \begin{cases} \texttt{reject } H_0 & \text{if } \mathrm{TS} > c \\ \texttt{fail to reject } H_0 & \text{otherwise}\\ \end{cases} \]
I’ll keep stressing this: there is no need to memorize these forms if you understand what the null and alternative are saying and how that translates to comparing \(\overline{X}\) to \(\mu_0\)!
Worked-Out Example 2
McGaucho’s claims that, on average, customers will only need to wait 10 minutes before getting their food. Dubious of these claims, Markus takes a representative sample of 40 customers and finds that these customers waited an combined average of 15 minutes before receiving their food, with a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Based on this, he decides to perform an upper-tailed test on McGaucho’s claims at an \(\alpha = 0.01\) level of significance. Conduct the test, and state your conclusions.
Again, we should ask ourselves what distribution we are going to use.
Is the population normally distributed?
In other words, are the wait times of all customers normally distributed?
No; or, at least, there is not enough inforamtion to conclude that they are.
Is our sample large enough?
Do we have \(\sigma\) or \(s\)?
Hence, we will use the \(t_{39}\) distribution.
Now, we are using an upper-tailed alternative, meaning our critical value is the point such that \((1 - 0.01) = 0.99\) area lies to the left (or, equivalently, \(0.01\) lies to the right).
This means our critical value is 2.43, and we reject the null whenever \(\mathrm{TS} > 2.43\).
The observed value of our test statistic is \[ \frac{15 - 10}{10 / \sqrt{40}} = 3.162 \]
At an \(\alpha = 0.01\) level of significance, there was sufficient evidence to reject McGaucho’s’ claim that the average wait time of customers is 10 minutes in favor of the alternative that the true wait time is longer than 10 minutes.
Exercise 1
A university administrator at Gaucho University (GU) claims that GU students get, on average, 8 hours of sleep per night. A sample of 35 students had a combined average of 7.72 hours of sleep and a standard deviation of 3.8 hours. Using an \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance, test the administrator’s claims against a…
Last time, we discussed Hypothesis Testing on population proportions.
That is: given a population with true proportion \(p\), we took samples and tried to use the data collected in these samples to assess the validity of the claim \(H_0: \ p = p_0\) (for some fixed value \(p_0\)) against some alternative hypothesis (two-sided, lower-tailed, or upper-tailed)
The test we constructed last time compared the value of the test statistic to some critical value, and made a decision about rejection based on the comparison between these two values.
For illustrative purposes, let’s consider a lower-tailed test: \[ \left[ \begin{array}{rr} H_0: & p = p_0 \\ H_A: & p < p_0 \end{array} \right.\]
Under appropriate conditions, our test statistic \[ \mathrm{TS} = \frac{\widehat{P} - p_0}{\sqrt{\frac{p_0(1 - p_0)}{n}}} \] follows the standard normal distribution under the null.
So, up until now, our decision has been based on comparing the raw value of the test statistic to the critical value.
Again, remember the intuition behind why this is: if we observe a value of \(\widehat{P}\) that is much smaller than \(p_0\), this leads credence to the claim that \(p < p_0\) (i.e. this leads credence to our alternative and away from our null).
Now, we like to think in terms of areas.
So, here’s an idea: let’s translate our reject/fail to reject scheme to be in terms of areas.
Specifically, here is what I mean.
Consider again a situation in which we reject the null:
How does the area to the left of the test statistic compare to \(\alpha\)?
How does the area to the left of the test statistic compare to \(\alpha\)?
So, we can rephrase our decision as follows:
Notice that the area to the left of the test statistic, since we are dealing with a lower-tailed test, is equivalent to “the probability of observing something as or more extreme, under the null, as the value we currently observe”.
This is an example of what we call a p-value.
[…] the probability of observing data at least as favorable to the alternative hypothesis as our current data set, if the null hypothesis were true.
Another way to think about it is this: if the null were true, what is the probability that we would observe something even more extreme (i.e. even “farther away”, in the direction of the alternative) as our current observations?
Note that exactly how we compute \(p-\)values depends heavily on our alternative.
Worked-Out Example 3
Forbes magazine has claimed that, as of May 2023, 91.7% of US households own a vehicle. To test that claim, we take a representative sample of 500 US households and observe that 89.4% of these households own a vehicle.
Compute the \(p-\)value of our observed value of the statistic, assuming we are using a lower-tailed alternative.
Compute the \(p-\)value of our observed value of the statistic, assuming we are using a two-sided alternative.
Alternatively, note that we can utilize the symmetry of the normal distribution in our favor- the area we’re interested in is simply twice the area we found in the lower-tailed case!
So, our \(p-\)value in the two-sided case is simply \(2 \times (0.0314) = 0.0628\).
If you don’t believe me:
Worked-Out Example 4
Consider again the setup of Worked-Out Example 2: McGaucho’s claims that, on average, they are able to serve customers their food in 10 minutes. Dubious of these claims, Markus takes a representative sample of 40 customers and finds that these customers waited an combined average of 15 minutes before receiving their food, with a standard deviation of 10 minutes.
Recall that we ended up needing to use the \(t_{39}\) distribution as opposed to the standard normal distribution.
This doesn’t affect our computations of the p-value much, except for the fact that now we will need to use Python (as our \(t-\)table doesn’t really give us probabilities).
The observed value of the test statistic is \[ \frac{15 - 10}{10 / \sqrt{40}} = 3.162 \]
Okay, so after we’ve computed our p-value… what do we do?
We reject when p is small; specifically, we reject when p is less than the level of significance.
So, in other words, we now have two ways to conduct hypothesis tests under our belt: using critical values, and using p-values.
I’d like to stress- these two frameworks are completely equivalent!
Exercise 2
UCSB claims that 40% of its undergraduate student body are first-generation students (as in, the first in their families to earn a Bachelor’s degree). To test this claim, a representative sample of 120 undergraduates is taken and it is found that 43% of these students are first-generation. Suppose we use an \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance, and we test the University’s claims against a two-sided alternative.
Exercise 3
A botanist claims that the average weight of a chestnut is around 5 grams. To test this claim, a representative sample of 35 chestnuts is taken; these chestnuts have a combined average weight of 4.87 grams and a standard deviation of 1.82 grams. Suppose we use an \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance, and a lower-tailed alternative.
I should note that there are some growing criticism within the statistical and data scientific communities regarding p-values.
For one thing, they can be easily misinterpreted.
To fully understand and appreciate the more nuanced criticisms, however, we would need a bit of extra background/theory pertaining to the framework of Hypothesis Testing - material that we don’t cover in this class.